How to rescue recording files when app can not be opened?

We always think that recordings are extremely important to users.

So we tested Recorder Plus very carefully before it’s online.

But there is still some very rare situation which make the app can not be opened.

These situation would be:

  • Incompatible iOS update: Updated to latest iOS and not updated to the latest app. Or updated to alpha/beta iOS which latest app do not support.
  • Black swan event we don’t know.
  • Bugs in app. (Yes, we are human being and we made mistake sometime.)

So how to get recording files when app can not be opened?

Reference this article to go to the “File Sharing” section of Recorder Plus.

Then drag the “Do_Not_Modify_This_Folder” to your PC.

In the folder there are some directories named with the recording date. In these directories, the file with the suffix “caf” or “wav” is the original recording files. And the “caf” file can be played by QuickTime.

By the way, we strongly recommend another article to users who care about safety of recordings:

Backup recordings automatically

In rare situation, an error “the required file cannot be found” will be shown and the folder can not be copied.


Cannot copy files with iTunes file sharing

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