Playback with bluetooth speaker

First you need to pair the bluetooth speaker with iPhone/iPad. Please follow the instructions from Apple to pair: Then in Recorder Plus, you can select output device with the “AirPlay” button.

Delete useless recordings

If you want to just delete one recording, just tap “…” button on the right side of the recording  (figure 1.1) , then “delete” (figure 1.2). Figure 1 If you want to delete multi recordings, tap “Edit” button (figure 2.1) to switch to multi operation mode, then select multi recordings […]

Only playback the selected part of recording

Select the part you want to playback, then tap the “Play” button, then the app will only playback the selected part. When playback, tap the “Loop” button, then the app will play in loop mode. Stop playback, then tap on the waveform to clear the selected area, now you can […]

Import audio from PC with WiFi

If you want import audio files from PC/Mac to Recorder Plus with WiFi, we recommend this way: 1. Install a free app named “USB Sharp”. “USB Sharp” in App Store 2.Make sure pc and iPhone/iPad are in the same WiFi network. Then in USB Sharp, select “Share” (Figure 1.1), input […]

Can not adjust input gain on iPhone 6S

It seems Apple have removed this feature since iPhone 6S. But input gain is adjustable on old iPhone model (iPhone 4/4s/5/5s/6) We have got confirmation from Apple’s Developer Team. Please reference this article: Quote from the article: “No input gain control on 6s. Using isInputGainSettable will let you know if the […]

Copiar grabación automáticament

Copiar grabación automáticamente. Todas las grabaciones suyas son muy importantes! Sin embargo, en los siguientes casos son posibles que pierda sus grabaciones: Se ha eliminado accidentalmente la grabación La aplicación se ha eliminado por error En caso de iPhone / iPad sin copia de seguridad se restaura a un estado de copia de seguridad diferente iPhone / iPad se pierde o se daña. Se podría creer que la probabilidad […]

Автоматически дублировать записи

Все ваши записи важные! При нижеуказанных случаях ваши записи могут потерять: 1.неверно удалить запись 2.неверно удалить программу Восстановление iphone/ipad в предыдущее состояние без дублирования 4.При сломе или потери iphone/ipad Может быть вы считайте, что эти случаи возникает с маловероятностью, но каждый недель мы получаем письмо по поводу таких вопросов. И нам очень жалко, что эти записи невозможно восстановить, кроме того, что до возникновения таких случаев вы дублировали iphone и ipad. Поэтом мы усилено рекомендуем, что включите функцию дублирования для данной программы. (данная функция так же используется в версии бесплатной) 1.нажмите “настройки”, чтобы открывать страницу настройки Войти в счёт google После этого, все оригинальные записи будут автоматически дублировать в Google Drive. При возникновении неприятного случаи, вы сможете найти записи в Google Drive.   Другая соответствующая информация: 1.автоматически дублировать только оригинальные записи, а не записей после редактирования. Дублировать только по wifi, при сети 3G/4G будет остановить дублирование, и не будет возникать лишние оплаты. Передать документы только при использовании данной программы (записать, переслушать или показать записи на главное странице)    

자동 녹음 백업

귀하의 모든 녹음이 다 중요합니다! 아래 상황에서 귀하의 녹음이 잃을 수가 있다: 1.실수로 녹음 파일을 삭제 2.실수로 응용을 삭제 iPhone/iPad가백업하지 않은 상태에서 다른 백업상태로 되돌아간다 .iPhone/iPad가분실 및 고장   귀하가 이런 상황을 나타날 확률이 낮다고 생각하실 수도 있겠지만 저희는 매주 이런 상황 때문에 도움을 요청하는 매일을 받고 있습니다. 그렇지만 아쉽기도 iPhone과 iPad를 백업한다면 몰라도 이런 상황에서 녹음 파일 찾기 불가능합니다. 그러니까 저희는 응용에서 자동 백업 기능을 켜놓은 것을 권장합니다. (이 기능은 무료 버전에서도 이용 가능합니다) ‘기어’를누르시면 설치화면을 켭니다 google계정을로그인합니다. 그 후에 모든 원시 녹음 파일이 전부 Google Drive로 자동 백업됩니다. 의외로 녹음 파일 잃은 상황에서는 Google Drive에서 찾을 수 있습니다.   관련 정보: 1.자동 백업은 원시 녹음 파일만 적용하고 편집한 후의 파일은 안됩니다 2.Wi-Fi상태에만 자동 백업이 되며 3G/4G에 업로드를 진행하지 않습니다. 추가 비용은 발생하지 않습니다. 응용을사용시(녹음, 리 플레이, 화면을 켜질 때)만 업로드 합니다.

Sincronizzazione automatica di registrazione

Tutte le sue registrazioni sono molto importanti! In uno dei seguenti casi, le sue registrazioni potrebbero essere persi: Le registrazioni sono eliminate per sbaglio L’applicazione è eliminata per sbaglio iPhone/iPad è stato ripristinato senza sincronizzazione iPhone/iPad smarrito o danneggiato Forse pensa che sia molto raro di succedere uno dei casi sopraindicati, ma in realtà riceviamo ogni settimana le email per chiedere l’assistenza per uno dei casi  sopraindicati. Noi siamo spiacenti che nei casi sopra indicati non possiamo ritrovare le registrazioni perse, almeno che iPhone […]

Automatisches Backup der Aufnahmen

Alle Ihre Aufnahmen sind sehr wichtig! Aber in den folgenden Bedingungen könnten Ihre Aufnahmen verloren gehen: Die Aufnahmen wurden versehentlich gelöscht. Applikationen wurden versehentlich gelöscht iPhone/iPad wird im Falle keiner Sicherung auf einen anderen Backup-Status wiederhergestellt. iPhone/iPad ist verloren gegangen oder beschädigt Vielleicht denken sie, dass so etwas sehr wenig passiert, aber in Wirklichkeit erhalten wir jede Woche Hilferuf in diese Notfall per E-mail. Und wir mussten leider darauf antworten, dass Aufnahmen nicht wiederhergestellt werden können, es sei denn, wenn man vor dem Verlieren die Sicherungskopie für iPhone und iPad anfertigt hatte. Daher empfehlen wir, dass Sie die automatische Sicherungskopiefunktion der Aufnahmen öffnen.( in der kostenlosen Version kann diese Funktion auch verwendet werden) Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ” Zahnrad “, um die Einstellungsseite zu öffnen. Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Google – konto an. Danach wird die Applikation automatisch alle Originalaufnahmen zu Ihrem Google Drive hochladen. Wenn die Aufnahmen versehentlich verloren ist, […]

Start recording with remote control (bluetooth)

Recorder Plus can start recording with bluetooth earphone. To start recording with bluetooth earphone: 1. Tap the “gear” button on the left-bottom of the screen to show setting page. 2. Turn on “Remote Control” and “Start recording with bluetooth” option. Warning: when “Remote Control” is turned on, some kind of bluetooth […]

Delete all recordings

When there are many recordings, deleting recordings one by one is really a trouble.   When all recordings have been exported, “Delete all recordings” button will be available in the setting page. Tap the “gear” button to show setting page(Figure 1), then scroll down to the bottom to get “Delete […]

Import audio from cloud drive in app

Audio files can be imported into Recorder Plus from Cloud Drive. For example: iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive 1. Install these apps on your iPhone/iPad, then login with your account 2. In the recording list page , tap “Import”, then select “Cloud”, then your iCloud Drive is shown. […]

Export to cloud drive

Recordings can be exported to cloud drivers in Recorder Plus, For example: iCloud drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive. 1. Install these apps on your iPhone/iPad, then login with your account 2. Tap “Export”, then select “Cloud” (Figure 1),  then iOS File App will be shown. Figure 1 3. Select the […]

Import audio from iTunes Library

Import audio from iTunes Library is very easy: Just tap the “import” button , then select “iTunes”,  then select the audio file you want to import. If the audio file you want to import is not in iTunes Library, please consider the following import methods: Import audio from cloud drive […]

Import audio from other cloud drive app

Audio files can be imported to Recorder Plus from Cloud Drive. For example: iCloud, iCloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive First we recommend using “Documents” app to download audio files from cloud drive. In “Documents” app, tap the cloud drive button(Figure 1.1), select and login (Figure 1.2) your […]

Mark during playback

When playback, double tap on the waveform to add a marker. The marker is added at the position which is one second prior to the yellow play cursor.  

Restore button does not work

Tap “…” button in the recording list page, then “In App Purchase” to show the purchase page. If you have paid for the app, use the “Restore” button to restore the purchase. If restore button does not work, please check with these steps: 1. iPhone version and iPad version of Recorder […]